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1. Main Menu


  • New Database

    Create a new database.

  • Load Database

    Open the Database Manager windows in order to open, rename, or delete a database.

  • Import Database

    Import an Artemis database with a standard .tar format.

    Offline Importing of SigID Database

    Sometimes it may happen that a computer does not have network access and unfortunately Artemis cannot download the SigID database. To solve this you can:

    1. Download the .tar database HERE from a PC with an internet access
    2. Import the downloaded .tar on the target PC (without internet access) using the Import Database function
  • Export Database

    Export the loaded database with a standard .tar format.

  • Edit Tags

    Open the tags editor window. From here, you can add, rename, or delete tags. The tags can be added to a signal from the tags menu

  • Open Database Folder

    Shows the folder of the currently loaded database in the explorer.

  • Preferences

    Open the program settings window.

  • Exit

    This will close the application.


  • New

    Add a new signal to the database.

  • Edit

    Edit the current/selected signal from the loaded database.

Space Weather

  • Check Report

    Open the main Space Weather window and retrieve all the live data from Poseidon Crawler.

2. Signal List

This is the signal list where all the database entries are shown. When a signal is selected, it will load on the right panel.

Filter by Name/Description

On top of the list, there is a field for filtering signals by name or any keyword inside the description of the signal: this filter has the highest priority among all the filters.

3. Signal Menu

Here you can swithc between the main signal window and the filter page.

4. Tags

  • Associate Tag

    Custom tags can be associated to the selected signal with the icon

  • Remove Tag

    In order to remove a tag, just click on its badge.

  • Add/Rename Tag

    To add a new tag open the Tags Editor in the main menu.

5. Add Parameter

Click on the labels to add the corresponding parameter to the signal (e.g. click on Frequency to add a new frequency).

6. Edit Parameter

Click on the parameter badge to open the Signal Editor windows. From here, you can edit or delete the corresponding parameter.

Parameter Description

All the parameters have a description field: if some text is added, it will appear when the corresponding parameter badge is hovered with the mouse pointer.

7. Description

This is the description of the signal and can be edited from the Main Menu (Signal/Edit...)

Markdown Supported

The Description field can render Markdown, a simple markup language for creating rich text using plain text. Headers, emphasis, lists, links, code blocks, and many more features for advanced text formatting. Markdown Basic Syntax

8. Audio Sample

This is a player where an audio sample of the signal can be played. To associate an audio file to be shown as the main audio sample, check in the extra menu below the signal spectrum.

9. Image Sample

This is an image box that commonly contains the signal spectrum/waterfall. To associate an image file to be shown as the main image sample, check in the extra menu below the signal spectrum.

10. Extra

This button is only available for the standard SigID wiki database and connects the local signal to its counterpart on the sigidwiki website.

This will open the Documents Manager. From here you can add any file (audio, image, pdf, etc.) to the signal entry. It is also possible to mark only one image and one audio to be shown on the main signal window.